Design Your Personalized Email Signature

Victoria Glossop
  • Updated

Your Business, Your Brand! 

Create impactful communications so your brand stays front and center when engaging with your clients! When you personalize your email signature, you’re maintaining a consistent branding across all your communications; from emails to market reports and more!  

Watch this short video to learn how to keep your brand top of mind, or follow the simple instructions below to get started personalizing your email signature.  


Prospects CRM Feature Spotlight: Customize Your CRM 


Get Started 

To begin, click on the Configuration (gear) icon in the top right of your dashboard. 



Then choose Emails. 



Add Your Contact Details 

Choose Modify Email Signature and click the cursor in the pop-up window and simply type in the desired contact details. 



Add your Agent Photo, Digital Signature & Logo 

To personalize your email signature for more impact, add your agent photo, digital signature and company logo by placing the cursor where you want the image to go, then using the drop-down menu Insert “Your Image” from your Image Library. 



If you need a little help uploading files to your Image Librarycheck out the article Upload Your Photo, Logo, Contact Details & Branding 


Resize Your Image 

To resize an image, double click on it and enter your specifications, or simply drag and click a corner to resize it manually. 



Add a Link to Your Branded App!
Linking your branded mobile app in your email signature keeps your brand front and center and provides valuable leads that automatically appear in your contacts. To include a link, simply type in the word(s) you want to link, highlight them, and then click on the Link icon. Type or paste in the desired URL into the pop-up window and click OK. 



Make sure to check the box at the top to Add my signature to all outgoing emailsthen click Save and Close to keep your changes.  



That’s it! You’re all set and ready to send professionally branded emails to your contacts. 


If you want to learn more, check out Import Your Phone Contacts from the Getting Started Collection 


Need a Hand? 

If you’d like a little extra assistance with any of the Prospects CRM features, our Customer Support team is ready to help. Contact us at    



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